Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Соотношение мифологических, идеологических и образно-символических механизмов конструирования государственной идентичности

The article considers the place of figurative and symbolic cultural phenomena in the process of forming the state identity of modern Russian youth. These phenomena are considered from the point of view of the possibility of direct influence on the value consciousness by using the socio-psychological potential of “aesthetic information” (A. Mol). The correlation of the figurative and symbolic aspects of the formation of state identity with the mythological and ideological aspects of this process is shown.

Социальные функции молодежных объединений через призму мнения активистов

According to the results of the sociological survey conducted in 2019 (N = 350 people on probability quota-target sample), the synthesis of social and individual needs of young people was revealed when social solidarity as an urgent need is combined in the work of its associations with functional emotionality, satisfaction from meaningful fullness of interesting and useful activities.

Структурные основания взаимодействий в онлайн-играх

The article examines the structural foundations of interactions between gamers in online games on the example of the youth segment of Russian audience of computer games. The analysis of the main elements of in-game mechanics structuring the communicative interactions of gamers in online games is carried out on the basis of the B. Latour’s actor-network theory, allowing us to consider the game as an actor of socio-technical interactions.

Проблема домашнего насилия в пандемию COVID-19: кто виноват и что делать?

The article presents the analysis of the problem of domestic violence on the basis of domestic and foreign statistical data and the research results. Attention is focused on the aggravation of this problem during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in many countries of the world.

Актуальные вопросы политики обращения с отходами в России

In the conditions of modern social development and the emergence of such a trend of the modern digital era as the “green” economy, the issues of waste management are of particular importance. Personal experience and participation in various activities for separate waste collection show a twofold state of affairs: on the one hand, there are parties interested in sorting out the waste and, on the other hand, separate waste collection has not yet firmly entered the consciousness of Russian people.

Формирование социального капитала политических партий и общественных организаций в регионе: основные направления и средства

On the basis of the comparison of modern foreign and Russian sociologists’s views, a structural and factorial operationalization of the concept of “social capital of political parties and public organizations” is developed. The material and cultural resources are available for the accumulation of social capital in the region. But regulatory measures (legislative, information and educational) are still needed to strengthen the social interaction between political parties and public organizations and the government structures representing regional society.

Подготовка кадров для наукоемких производств в системе непрерывного образования

At present the higher education system does not meet the employer’s requests. Therefore, the concept of lifelong education is becoming more and more relevant. One of the aspects of such education is a corporate university which not only provides the necessary knowledge to work for a particular company, but also improves general cultural skills. On the basis of expert interviews (N = 100) conducted in 2017–2019. it was considered as high-tech industries are ready to participate in personnel training in order to have well-trained employees and receive economic profit.

Формы взаимодействия предприятий и учебно-образовательных структур при подготовке кадров для инновационных предприятий региона

The article discusses educational practices and forms of interaction among enterprises, universities, colleges, educational centers and other structures in the process of training for innovative enterprises of Ulyanovsk region. In this regard, some differences in the approaches of new industries and enterprises that have existed since the Soviet era are indicated. In particular, this concerns the development of various intracorporate retraining and advanced training programs, including their own educational centers.

Интерпретация теории «идеальных типов» М. Вебера применительно к эмпирическому социологическому исследованию

The article analyzes the problems of interpretation of Max Weber’s theory of «ideal types» in empirical sociological studies. The theory of «ideal types» is effective for studying the systemic qualities of universal socio-cultural institutions, local social groups and individuals. The concept of «ideal» is differentiated in everyday consciousness and in scientific and sociological discourses. In sociology, the «ideal» is understood as referring to the sphere of consciousness, regardless of the positive or negative assessment of a social phenomenon.

Формирование отношения к деньгам в контексте семейного финансового конфликта

The article examines the role of the family in the formation of the attitude towards money. The circumstances of family fi nancial confl icts are investigated. The cases of fi nancial contradictions in the parental family are analyzed. (based on the memories of an adult about his childhood. Situations where either emotional or rational aspect prevailed in fi nancial decision-making are investigated. Special aspects of fi nancial behavior strategies, attitudes to spending and investments are clarifi ed.
