Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


The attitude of the host Russian community towards migrants of other ethnicities as a factor in migration behavior (using the example of Yekaterinburg residents)

The article substantiates the need to institutionalize the integration of migrants based on negative demographic trends in Russia. The authors analyze migration theories and propose the basis of the institutional approach as a methodological basis for the formation of integration models of migrants into the host community. The authors substantiate the importance of analyzing migration behavior as part of the integration process, not only of the migrating, but also of the host community.

Социально-коммуникативные практики взаимодействия институтов власти и населения в регионе: социальные факторы и современные тенденции

This article discusses the interaction of power institutions with citizens at the regional level. The definition of a region is given and described. The results of the study conducted in Saratov region are presented. The results obtained during the survey are analyzed and compared with the studies of other authors and statistical collections. These observations allow us to say that the current level of society’s informatization is not enough for the open model of the interaction between the power and the population.