Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

ethnic identity

Ethnic identity in theory and fi gures: On the example of the aboriginal minorities of the North

. The actual study of ethnic identity is conditioned by the previous socio-political context. In the West, attention to ethnic identity is a marker of post-colonial studies, while in Russia it is a departure from the formation of a new historical community "Soviet people". Accordingly, the cognitive goals of studying ethnic identity also diff er from the manipulation of ethnic identities, leading to the split in a previously unifi ed society, to identifying factors that contribute to the preservation of ethnic minority cultures.


The paper discusses process social mobilization of ethnic groups. The author identifies the main factors of mobilization and assesses the degree of intensity and efficiency of each of them on all stages of the process of social mobilization of ethnic groups.