Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

risk management

Разведывательные службы ЕС: проблемы информационной перегрузки

This article demonstrates the flaws of EU intelligence agencies the past decade in the field of counterterrorism, in particular regarding Jihadi terrorism. Since 2014 the West European countries fell victim to the violent actions of Islamic State (IS), which has a huge presence on social media, both on the surface web and on the Darknet. The goal is to outline the most important case-studies of Jihadi terrorism that were plotted and carried out by the terrorists and yet, not prevented by the classical intelligence authorities.

Управление миграционными рисками в условиях трансформации глобальных миграционных процессов

The article is devoted to the problem of managing migration risks in the context of the transformation of the migration situation in the modern world space. The author, noting such transformation features as a reduction in the duration of migration movement, the emergence of “fluid” plastic forms of migration, substantiates the manifestation of migration risks and the need for new approaches to their minimization.