Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Sociological Scientists

Социально-экономический потенциал ивент-менеджмента как направление высшего профессионального образования в России

The article deals with the basic scientific interpretations of the concept of «event management», reveals the main characteristics of this concept, its positive impact on the development of business and culture in the regions, but also analyzes the reasons for the lack of professional education in our country.

Эволюция представлений об информационном обществе в современной западной социологии

In the article features of evolution of the sociological approaches formed in the western sociology to the analysis of an information society are considered. Ideas and ideas of foreign and domestic sociologists, offering their own interpretations of the term information society were considered. The stages of the formation and development of the idea of the information society are revealed. At the first stage, the conceptual foundations of the information society as a special social reality are being formed (the 70s – the mid 90s of the XX century).

Основные парадигмы социологического подхода к исследованию миграционных процессов (часть 1)

The article is devoted to a review of the main paradigms that make up the theoretical and methodological basis of the sociological approach to the study of migration processes. A detailed description of the scientific directions of this approach is presented in three basic groups: the structural group includes paradigms focusing on the system-structural, organizational-functional aspects of migration, treating it as integrity, the totality of elements; the interpretative group aims the researcher to study human behavior, motives, meanings.

Методологическая значимость работ Г. Зиммеля для понимания современной теории индивидуализации

The article reveals the specifics of G. Simmel’s approach to the individualization process and shows the relevance of its concepts for the analysis of modern societies. Special attention is paid to the ideological origins of the individualization process. The author considers G. Simmel’s concepts of “qualitative and quantitative individuality”, “formal and qualitative individualism”, forming the basis of two types of individualization: qualitative and quantitative.

Формирование информационного пространства в современной России: проблемы и перспективы

The article defines the essence of the information space, identifies and analyzes the features and factors of its formation in the Russian context, discusses the basic segments forming its structure and shows the contradictory nature of their current state and trends of evolution.

Трансформация потребительских практик в контексте воздействия новых медиа

The communicative possibilities of the modern digital society are fundamentally different from the previous times. Active integration of new media into all spheres of human life without exception changes everyday life, forms new behaviors and ways of self-organization. Under the influence of social media there is a significant transformation of consumer practices, stages of decision-making on purchasing. During a certain period of social development, consumption becomes the dominant social process that characterizes everyday life.

Социологические принципы обустройства среды обитания крупных городов

The article shows that urbanization, overpopulation and global environmental crisis lead to the need of developing citizens’ daily life new principles arrangement. The key to the formation of a favorable living environment lies in the use of scientific knowledge, modern technology, and implementation of competent urban policy within residential areas. The analysis of scientific reflection on the problems of habitat arrangement shows increasing number of studies appying an integrated approach to creating a comfortable public space.

Финансовая организация как специфический объект социологического исследования

Russia’s exit from social and economic crisis defines the need of the financial organizations’ transition to sustainable target development. Ensuring this development involves clarifying the changes in the essential characteristics of the financial organization and considering social and labor conflicts as a condition for the implementation of this development.

Духовное здоровье дагестанской учащейся молодежи: социологический анализ рисков и угроз

At presen, the study of risks and threats in youth spiritual health sphere is one of those social problems, the relevance of which simply cannot be questioned. A sociological study of the Russian society’s spiritual health is impossible without studying the spiritual health of youth as a special socio-demographic group. Student youth refers to that category of the population whose health (and spiritual health as well) is inextricably linked with the notion of «risk».
