Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Sociological Scientists

Women’s careers in sports during the COVID-19 pandemic: Socio-economic aspect

The article discusses the features of implementing women's sports career in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. Ways to maintain a career in isolation and options for its development, as well as government initiatives during this period, are analyzed. This includes a comparison of budget expenditures from the start of physical education funding to the post-pandemic period.

Обратная связь с аудиторией через призму взаимодействия интернета и телевизионных СМИ

The article considers the problems of mass media interaction with audience through the analysis of feedback mechanisms of television with teleconsumers presented in the Internet. The author analyses the relevance of television and Internet as information resources for Russian media consumers, characterizes the Internet-sources of opinion of the television audience, analyses the official pages of popular TV channels and spectator forums. 

Социальные и гуманитарные технологии в обществе знания

In article the essence social and humanitarian technology at the present stage of development of information society – formation of society of knowledge is considered. Generalizing various determinations of social and humanitarian technologies, the conclusion that in these concepts object and target aspects of technologies are staticized is drawn. Tendencies of use of social and humanitarian technologies, their classification by the general subject, common goals, results of application, the used methods and means come to light.

Экономическая и эмоциональная депривации россиян: корреляционный анализ

Article based on the results of empirical sociological research conducted by correlation analysis of the interrelationship of economic deprivation and emotional States. The degree of economic deprivation was determined through indicators of consumer opportunities level of subjective deprivation was measured through indicators of self-esteem, anxiety, concern, anxiety, optimism, its relevance to the social environment. Revealed that as economic deprivation increased the level of concern, anxiety of the population.

Эффективное использование интеллектуальной собственности в современных российских социально-экономических условиях

The article analyzes the problem of the effectiveness of the use of intellectual property in modern Russian socio-economic conditions. It is shown that intellectual property, digital infrastructure and the turnover of intellectual rights are becoming key factors determining social and economic growth. One of the important socio-economic indicators of the country’s technological development is the level of patent activity that reflects the opportunities for the knowledge generation sector to influence the real economy.

Геронтологическое направление социального туризма

The world sociological science currently shows an increased interest in population ageing and elderly’s life, which is associated with an increased life expectancy. Population aging is one of the main problems for many countries of the world. In modern conditions, old age becomes almost the longest period of a person’s life and no longer fits into the familiar concept of «sunset years». However, the inadequacy of both the phenomenological material and the methodological approaches causes a low degree of development of gerontological issues.

Корреляционный анализ влияния депривации на социальную активность россиян

Article based on the results of empirical research of possibilities of correlation analysis of economic and social deprivation. Interrelation degree of deprivation and public participation. Clarified that the motives for participation in public life are only partly in the level of deprivation. It has been proven that when low civic participation of the Russian population as a whole, the smaller the deprivation of Russians is, the higher the level of activity of their practices of participation in public life.

Концепт телесмотрения и телепотребления: теоретическая и эмпирическая интерпретации

The mass media play an important role in the socialization of the youth audience. It is especially important to study the media in the framework of interaction with the youth audience, since it is the youth that is the driving force of the future society. The research objectives are achieved through a theoretical analysis of the views of social scientists. The empirical basis of the article is the author’s research conducted by the questionnaire method in 2017.

Влияние новых цифровых технологий на поведение потребителей торгово-развлекательных центров: социологический анализ

The article presents the results of a sociological study of consumer behavior in a shopping and entertainment center. It is analyzed how new digital technologies influence consumers. The features, complexities and attractiveness of online sales are explored. An important task of economic sociology is the analysis of consumer behavior. It involves studying the conditions, situations, factors, actions of various social actors. Through consumption, people realize their social and economic interests.

Социальная реабилитация в контексте жизненных траекторий инвалидов

Social rehabilitation is considered as a result of actions of all subjects of rehabilitation aimed at reсоvery and formation of social functions and relations of the disabled person. The aim of the work is to analyze the factors and individual`s resources that influenced the result of social rehabilitation. The empirical basis for this study is provided by the disabled narratives describing their biography, achievements in various spheres of life, institutions of support.
