Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социологический подход

Specifi cs of political science interpretation of political identities of young people N

The article substantiates the diff erence between political science and sociological approaches to the analysis of political identities of young people. The authors come to the conclusion that the sociological approach in most cases assumes that political identities of citizens are analyzed and interpreted by the researcher as relevant at the time of conducting sociological research as a resource and tool for political selfreproduction of the social system.

Основные парадигмы социологического подхода к исследованию миграционных процессов (часть 1)

The article is devoted to a review of the main paradigms that make up the theoretical and methodological basis of the sociological approach to the study of migration processes. A detailed description of the scientific directions of this approach is presented in three basic groups: the structural group includes paradigms focusing on the system-structural, organizational-functional aspects of migration, treating it as integrity, the totality of elements; the interpretative group aims the researcher to study human behavior, motives, meanings.