Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Socio-economic determinants of the citizenship phenomenon

The article is devoted to the analysis of socio-economic factors of formation and development of citizenship. Two approaches of classics of sociology – K. Marx and E. Durkheim to socio-economic determination of phenomena of civil relations are considered. The problem of citizenship is of particular importance in modern Russian society due to its specifi c understanding.

On the role of humanitarian education in the formation of students` civic values

The article analyzes the role of humanitarian education in the formation of civic values among students. Attention is paid to the theoretical approaches of understanding civic values as a complex, multifaceted, multilevel dynamic structure. The basic civic values that make up the core of modern Russian citizenship are considered.


The article presents an analysis of the state of knowledge of the problems of development of a new direction for Political Science – local citizenship. The characteristic of the main directions in the study practice of civilian control and institutions in local communities, with an indication of the significant methodological problems, allowing to represent the practice of civilian control in local communities as a unique phenomenon of individual regions.