Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


От лингвистического поворота к лингвосоциологии: проблемы и перспективы

The article considers the phenomenon of linguistic turn in the humanities, sociology in particular. The natural causes of this phenomenon generation from the point of view of various methodological approaches – symbolic interactionism, discourse theory, communication acts theory are presented. The formation of the new fi eld of theoretical sociology – linguosociology and it succession with sociology and sociolinguistics are substantiated. In conclusion, it is shown, that linguosociology is a natural phase in the development of socio-humanitarian knowledge.

Специфика коммуникативных практик саратовской молодежи в социальном и виртуальном пространстве

The article present the results of sociological monitoring conducted by the method of questioning in Saratov in 2022. According to the probabilistic quota-territorial sample, 698 young Saratov residents were interviewed. The results were processed in the SPSS program. The study showed that communication takes the fi fth place among the values of young people (after health, family, friendship and freedom). In the perceptions of young people, the most eff ective channel of communication is real "live" direct communication. They trust it the most.
