Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Elite and the process of its reproduction in the works of N. I. Kareev: Actual aspects of the sociological analysis

The article deals with the peculiarities of sociological views on the nature and role of elite strata in society of one of the outstanding Russian thinkers N. I. Kareev. His work and methodological positions defended by him cause ambiguous assessments among researchers of different scientific schools and directions.

The dynamics and features of the transformation process of political elite composition in the region of the transitive type

The article considers the basic features of the transformation process of the political elite in relation to the region of a transitive, agrarianindustrial type, like Saratov region. The differences between the transformation process and the change of the elite and the so-called "change of elites" are revealed. The characteristics of the structural-institutional, group and generational aspects of the dynamics of elites in the region are given.

The Formation and Evolution of the Positional Approach in the Political Elite Study in Home Sociology

The article deals with the peculiarities of the positional approach formation in home sociology of the political elite. The formation factors are being revealed and a characteristic of the main tendencies of the positional approach development in the analysis of the political elite in home sociology

Technology Policy of the Regional Political Processes in the North Caucasus

The methodological base, problems and peculiarities of political control in the North Caucasus. We study the ethno-political situation in the region, the political elites and other actors. We highlight some of the causes of political tensions in the region, to develop mechanisms for decisions and recommendations.

Subjective Ethical Analysis Paradigm in Elite Works of Sociologist Populist

The article discusses the features of the study of elite layers in the writings of the sociologist populists. Special attention is drawn to a distinctive direction of populist sociology as a subjective sociology, represented primarily by P. L. Lavrov and N. K. Mikhailovsky. We give a general description of the sociological views of sociologistpopulist trends, the factors that determine the specificity of its formation in the Russian society and the base of «critically thinking individuals» theories P. L. Lavrov and «heroes» N. K.

Этнократическая элита в структуре элитных групп современного российского общества

The article examines the features of the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of the ethnocratic elite. The general features of this elite group, which is an integral part of regional elite groups and the characteristic features developing under the influence of both general civilizational factors and local ones, including the peculiarities of recruiting, traditions and established principles of the functioning of power institutions, are revealed.