Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Social fears and happiness: Dualism in the formation of the delayed happiness models

The sociological approach to the study of happiness makes it possible to include sociocultural factors in the subject fi eld of felicitary research. Considering happiness as a multi-level and dynamic phenomenon allows us to raise the question of its nonlinearity and temporality. The article puts forward the hypothesis about the infl uence of social fears and the level of subjective self-esteem of happiness on the formation of models of delayed happiness.

Role of Musical Culture in Forming of Youth`s Value Orientations

This article is devote to analysis of musical culture`s role in youth`s life. Particular importance attached to definition of character and force influence of musical culture on the youth`s value orientations. Based on results of sociological researches were described musical culture of youths, selection criteria of musical styles and places of listening to. It was offered the classification of youth`s musical orientation. It was assessed influence of musical culture and their other forms on the society.

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Hybridization Space Generation

The article analyzes theoretical and methodological foundations of intergenerational communication in the social space. The ethnographic, historical-cultural, socio-demographic, sociological approaches to the study of generations are considered. The author’s definitions of the notions «generation», «generation space», are suggested and the process of hybridization space generation formation is analyzed.

Социальная ответственность в динамике общественного сознания поколений россиян

Each generation has its own specific social (collective) consciousness and its prosocial forms of self-organization of individuals and groups, social movements and organizations. Social responsibility plays an important role in society’s life and self-organization. The author proceeds from the fact that social responsibility means recognizing the need to follow the generally recognized social and moral values, norms, requirements, reflecting the fundamental needs and interests of society by individuals, groups, and communities in their lives and behavior models.