Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Социальные аспекты поддержки здоровья населения на региональном уровне (на примере Саратовской области)

The article discusses the main current trends in the population health and its social support in Saratov region. The attention is drawn to the issues of studying regional health indicators, which should be the basis for the priority activities planning in the field of health and public health support for this Federation subject, being the matters of particular importance.

Анализ феноменов здоровья и здорового образа жизни в формате социологии культуры

Expanding the range of social risks caused by global changes leads to the deterioration in the qualities of society’s psychology and morals. The task of studying health lies not only in medical but also in sociocultural sphere. This determined the importance of a healthy lifestyle as the most ancient social phenomenon that takes on a new meaning and actualizes the investigation aimed at building a paradigm of public health in the context of the sociology of culture.