Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Social Ideal’s Social-structural Determinations

In article the theoretical analysis of genesis of a social ideal is carried out. The author proves that the social ideal is caused by type of a sociality and acts in two modified forms: social ideal of communal type and public ideal. The public ideal as a special form of ideas of a perfect society organization appears only in the conditions of modern society and is connected with actualization of the main social contradiction «personality and society». In an ideological discourse we observe two ways of permission of this contradiction: liberal and socialist.

ПЕТР СТРУВЕ: «НА ПУТИ К ЗДРАВОМЫСЛИЮ…» (идейно-политическая борьба на страницах эмигрантской прессы 20–30-х годов ХХ века)

In article the public and political position of one of acknowledged leaders of the Russian emigration of the first wave, Peter Struve, is analyzed. Various parties of political process, the ideological antagonism of the competing “centers of force” of the Russian emigration, one of which personified to P. B. Struve, are considered. Separate aspects of ideological and political fights and their reflection on pages of popular emigrant’s editions of a different orientation are researched.

Концепции «nation-building» Ф. Фукуямы и Р. Купера и их значение для современной практики нациестроительства

The process of nation-building in modern societies within the framework of national integration is considered in the article from different approaches and taking into consideration analysis and understanding of foreign experience. Special attention is paid to the concepts and views of Francis Fukuyama and Robert Cooper along with their importance for practice of nation-building. An inference is made that today these concepts and attempts to implement them in practice cannot be recognized as perfect and adequate to current challenges of internal and external origins.