Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

national policy

Особенности институционального оформления диаспоральных сообществ в современной России (на примере чеченской диаспоры в Саратовской области)

The article is devoted to the actualization of the problems of national diasporas in Russia and the study of the features of the institutional design of this socio-political institution in modern Russia. On the example of the formation and functioning Of the representation Of the head of the Chechen Republic in the Saratov region, the authors show one of the trends of centralization and regulation of the national Diaspora in the modern regional political process, which is an integral part of the national policy.

Социологическая рефлексия государственной национальной политики современной России

The article presents the comparative analysis of the state`s national policy concept and strategyregarding the efficiency of the realized practices of nation building and harmonizing the ethnic confessional relations at the regional level. The state`s national policyin Russia focusing on the background context of ethnic cultural regulators is considered. The authors’ reflection is directed to defining theefficiency of the most often used ways of obtaining social information.The conclusion is made that Verstehen methodology and ethnomethodology posses serious potential.

Институционализация профессиональной экспертизы в сфере государственной национальной политики Российской Федерации

The article examines the directions of institutionalization of professional expertise in the sphere of state national policy of the Russian Federation from the perspective of expansion and improvement of tools for its implementation. The necessity of creating a complex multi-level system of scientific support and dialogue between the authorities and the expert community is substantiated. The importance of forming a regional expert panel for ethnic and political analysis and monitoring is emphasized.