Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Интернет как адаптационный ресурс пожилых пользователей

The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of the Internet by the older age group of the Russian population. The indicators of participation in the Internet space in two groups: youth and pensioners are compared. This makes it possible to analyze the degree of “resource” of the Internet for the two “extreme” groups according to the age, to assess what opportunities Internet provides users and how they are used in different age groups. The resources of adaptation of elderly users and those who do not use the opportunities of the global network are identified.

Работающие пенсионеры в России и регионе: тенденции и проблемы

The article presents the statistics and the results of the sociological study conducted in Saratov, reveals the main trends and problems of working pensioners and shows their dynamics in Russia and Saratov region. It is shown that Saratov region can be attributed to the zone of demographic disaster, since the share of older people in the region reaches 28.2%, including working pensioners – 14% (every third pensionerMuscovite, every fourth pensioner-Russian). The annual indexation of pensions does not fully compensate the growth of prices.