Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

political parties

«Левое» будущее России: рефлексии партийных теоретиков и электората

In their minds, subjects of democratic politics constantly form and optimize images of future changes in functioning of the state and society, use them as a tool in the struggle for political infl uence and leadership. The article provides a comparative analysis of how this creative process is going on within Russian civil society today, in the minds of ordinary citizens and party elites committed to left-wing political values.

Проблема обеспечения духовно-нравственной безопасности в программатике парламентских политических партий Российской Федерации

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of ensuring spiritual and moral security in the political programs of the parties included in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the eighth convocation. The analysis of program documents of political parties published on the offi cial websites of political organizations and public authorities was carried out. The actual approaches of political parties to the problems of ensuring spiritual and moral security and the fundamental ways of their resolution are revealed.

Левые партии в современном политическом процессе Европы

The article examines the role of European left parties in the politics of their countries and the European Union. The author of the article examines the main types of European left parties, their program goals and the electorate.
