Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

political parties

The welfare state as a factor in reducing contradictions in the ruling elite on the example of Russia in the late XIX – early XX centuries

The article deals with the formation of the foundations of the social state in Russia at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. At the same time, the emphasis is placed on the fact that representatives of political elite, diff ering in various ideological views and ideas about the ideal form of government, could agree on the need to expand social functions of the state.

Russia-Germany energy cooperation: How paradigm change affects Germany’s economy and politics

The article analyzes the economic and political consequences for Germany of the essentially total breakdown of Russia-Germany cooperation on energy. The author notes that the breakdown jeopardizes Germany’s entire contemporary economic model built around imports of cheap Russian energy resources and makes the country increasingly dependent on the US and other exporters of hydrocarbons to keep its economy afl oat. Special attention is given to political consequences of the crisis, including emerging geopolitical and domestic issues.

The Impact of Changes in the Legal Regulation of the Participation of Political Parties in Elections to the Formation of the Party System with a Dominant Party

This article analyzes the impact of the electoral law on the formation of Russia’s party system with a dominant party. Law «On elections» and «On political parties» are seen as tools of political engineering. Were analyzed the possibility of participation of parties in electoral procedures, the procedure for forming blocs and coalitions, changes in the electoral formula. The paper concluded that there was «favorable treatment» in the legislative sphere major parliamentary parties and, in particular the «United Russia».

Мифологическое основание лояльности российских граждан идее партийности либерально-демократической политики

The article suggests an explanation of the phenomenon of stable loyalty of modern Russian electorate to the liberal idea of a multi-party system.Loyalty is in the consent of citizens with the leading role of parties in all electoral campaigns in the post-Soviet period.While most modern Russian parties do not meet the requirements of organization and functionality that follows from the theory of liberal-democratic politics, as well as from foreign experience of political involvement of parties.

Основы идеологии нациестроительства в современной России: подходы политических партий

The article explores the positions of Russian political parties on the ideological basis of nation building in Russia. The vulnerability of this measure is emphasized, taking into account domestic experience and modern realities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of program documents of parties participating in parliamentary election campaigns. The multilayeredness of the corresponding interpretations is shown in the selection of the two main approaches.

Институциональные противоречия взаимоотношений политических партий с парламентами субъектов Российской Федерации

In this article, the author assesses the problems of institutionalizing the relations between political parties and Russian regional legislative assemblies. The author highlights the contradictions in the norms and political approaches that should expand party opportunities in the parliamentary activity of the Russian regions. A conclusion was made that there is excessive influence of regional actors on the admission of parties to legislative activity.

Союзное государство в современном политическом дискурсе России

The article is devoted to the analysis of the issues of integration interaction between Russia and Belarus through the lens of perception of the existence and functioning of the Union State by the power institutions and political parties of the Russian Federation. A study of the content of the official websites of state authorities, the information and analytical portal of the Union State and party programming was conducted on the example of pre-election documents of political parties admitted to participate in the elections to the State Duma of the eighth convocation.

Формирование социального капитала политических партий и общественных организаций в регионе: основные направления и средства

On the basis of the comparison of modern foreign and Russian sociologists’s views, a structural and factorial operationalization of the concept of “social capital of political parties and public organizations” is developed. The material and cultural resources are available for the accumulation of social capital in the region. But regulatory measures (legislative, information and educational) are still needed to strengthen the social interaction between political parties and public organizations and the government structures representing regional society.

Оценка исторических событий России в программах политических партий на выборах в Государственную Думу 8-го созыва

The author examines the mention, evaluation, and interpretation of historical events and personalities in the programs of political parties that put forward lists of their candidates for elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 8th convocation. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that radical assessments of historical events, both positive and negative, are found only in isolated cases, which indicates the broad ideological boundaries of most parties.

Общественно-политическая активность молодежи Кемеровской области в 2000–2010-е гг.

Kemerovo region signifi cantly diff ers from the neighboring regions in the political sphere. For nearly two decades, the region has demonstrated a high degree of support for the United Russia party. Other political parties, both parliamentary and non-parliamentary, enjoy less support than in the rest of the country. The purpose of this article is to study the dynamics of youth activity as candidates for deputies of the Council of People’s Deputies of Kemerovo Region.
