Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Рационализация профессионального выбора студентов технического ВУЗа

Rationalization of consciousness and behavior is considered in article as one of characteristics of modern societies impregnating all spheres of activity of various social subjects including youth. Article is devoted to the analysis of tendencies of rationalization of a professional choice of future technical specialists possessing special technical rationality. At the heart of article – results of the empirical research executed by method of focus group, which is carried out among future pilots of civil aviation.

Некоторые дисфункциональные аспекты социальной конкуренции в вузах

In modern conditions of profound changes in Russian social reality socio-cultural space and social competition became a powerful factor contributing to the mobilization of the activity of individuals, groups, society as a whole. The desire of people to take a more favorable social position, the struggle for various resources construct new models of human behavior, new practices. Social competition is viewed as a form of social ties and the type of social interactions reflecting the ability of achieving goals in conditions of competition with others.