Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Russian Federation

Антиномии стратегических культур Запада и Востока (на примере Германии, Франции и Китая)

Strategic culture, as a phenomenon and a concept, was not taken seriously for a long time. Today, western researchers understand that strategic culture has a direct impact on political decision-making process in foreign policy. The study of the strategic culture of France, Germany, and China can help to optimize the Russian policy on the world stage.

Интеграция иммигрантов в Испании: особенности, государственная политика, возможности использования в России

The high proportion of the immigrants from Russia characterized by the ethnic and religious diversity actualizes the economic and socio-cultural integration of immigrants to ensure the security and stability of society. To develop migrant integration programs in Russia at the national and regional levels and evaluate their effectiveness, it is important to analyze the experience of Spain, a country with the similar structure of migration fl ows and regional aspects of integration.