Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

scholarly discourse

Problems of sovereign model of education within scholarly discourse of modern Russia

The purpose of this article is to consider positions of various authors on the most important aspects of the transition to a sovereign model of Russian education. Based on the method of discourse analysis, scientific publications of the last three years in various publications on the designated topic are considered.

Образы будущего в политологическом и публичном дискурсах современной России

The article is about the images of Russia’s future presented within scholarly and public discourses in post-Soviet Russia. Based on the analysis of certain projects and scholarly publications, the author concludes that formation of positive image of Russia’s future within public conscience is a matter of competitiveness of the variant promoted by ruling party and ideological variant of the “left” future. Current fragmentation of the “left” segment of party system does not allow relying on its victory on the nearest elections.