Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

state youth policy

Search for the Russian national idea as a factor of modern state youth policy

This article is devoted to the analysis of one of the key problems of the strategy of modern Russian state youth policy. This is the problem of sustainable dominance in youth policy of the motives of state charity (systematic investments of budget funds in solving current problems of youth, in general, or of individual groups) over the motives of national-state interest (ensuring the sovereignty and security of the country, solving the problems of its economic development) throughout the post-Soviet era and up to the present day.

Experience in Implementing Programs for Youth Policy in the Country

This article discusses the analysis of youth policy abroad, in the Germany and Sweden, specifics of studying the processes of socialization of the young generation in the framework of the state youth policy.

Features Values Youth Employment in Regional Perspective (on the Example of Saratov)

Thе article discusses the features of the labour values of youth as a specific socio-demographic groups, the role of youth as object and subject in the development of economic, political and cultural life, the study provides an opportunity for updating and forecasting targeted state youth policy in the region.