Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

критерии качества научного исследования

«Ценность» как требование к качеству современного политического исследования (Часть первая)

The article is the first part of the study aiming at specifying expediency of using the “scholarly research value” criterion while assessing political science dissertations and other papers. The author analyzes reasons why this criterion is of high interest among Russian scholars and experts nowadays. Key problems of filling the notions “value” and “evaluation” with the meaning corresponding to actual goals of political science dissertations, monographs, and articles’ analysis are pinpointed.

«Ценность» как требование к качеству современного политического исследования (Часть вторая)

The article is the second part (a continuation) of the research aimed at defining reasons of heightened interest of Russian academia to using the notion “value of a study” as a tool of evaluation the quality of scholarly product. In this part, the author analyzes hindrances caused by demands to experts to specify what exactly makes a new, topical, theoretically and practically significant research “valuable” in terms of world and domestic science.