Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

гражданская идентичность

Civil Identity of Modern Russia

In the article the author analyzes theoretical and methodological problems of civil society constructing of identity in Russia. Classical civil society of the modern period assumes existence of such components as surroundings (environment – the national and constitutional state, the citizen – the carrier of civil identity showing the civic stand in public space and its aktualizing it in the corresponding civil practices. During a postmodern period national societies are changed into mass and consumer societies.

Civil Identity as a Condition of a Society’s Conflictogenity Decrease

The considers various conflicts connected with a problem of designing and formation of civil identity. Conflict zones, in the author’s opinion, are concluded in various civilization bases Western European and Russian; lack of integrity of civil identity. The author offers research methodological tools – model of research of civil identity in integrity «I-corporal», «I-rational», «I-mental». On the example of modern youth’s civil identity the way of conflict situations diagnostics of is shown.

Роль физической культуры и спорта в системе патриотического воспитания молодежи и механизме формирования гражданской идентичности личности

The mechanism of the person’s civil identity formation as a whole comprises, among other things, a patriotic component. The aspect of patriotic education of the young generation in the light of the global situation aggravation in the geopolitical arena acquires a special meaning. Besides, many recent investigations emphasized the need of transforming the new generation’s civil-patriotic education system.
