Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальное действие

Идентификация социально реальности в концепциях М.Вебера

В статье рассматривается проблема социальной идентичности сквозь призму основных социологических концепций классика социологии М. Вебера: теории социального действия, идеальных
типов, социологии религии.

Полевая диалектика: противоречия актора в российском развитии

The paper is dedicated to the problem of theoretical approachesin empirical sociological studies of social development. Thelimitations of modern theories related to the insufficient potentialof explanatory irrelevance of their concepts to Russian realityare considered. The paper reveals the reasons of dialectic logictheoretical instruments` usage. They are related to the impossibilityof the revealed paradoxes` explanation within modern theoreticalapproaches.

Некоторые аспекты эволюции феномена социальной коммуникации

The article is devoted to sociological reflection of social communication and channels typology. The chronotypes of communication process – genetic, psychological, and social are considered. The typology characteristics of communication processes in diachronic and synchronic aspects are presented. It is shown that communication typology reflects the humankind evolution, an individual being a social communication subject. The characteristics of social communication as a process of exchanging meanings in social space and time are given.