Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


К проблеме соотношения фактов присоединения Крыма к России и периодов российской интеграционной активности

The article considers the problem of correlation of the facts of accession and loss of the Crimea with the periods of Russian integration activity and state power. The Crimea historically is an important component of the Russian imperial space, and was often at the center of the processes that determined the degree of integration activity and state power of Russia.

Теория Новороссии в крымском социально-гуманитарном дискурсе

The article considers the problem of interpretation of the theory of Novorossia within the Crimean social and humanitarian discourses. Opinions of the researchers have been presented. It was shown that the Crimean scholars were able to derive a number of important provisions that are relevant to the theory. They explored the specifics of the study of the space of Novorossia, suggesting the interpretation of its borders.

Проблематика Крыма как фактор политической позиции либеральных партий в современной России

Based on analysis of official party documents, public statements, and publications of various leaders of the liberal of Russian party system, the author considers and assesses their views and arguments on the issue of Crimea within domestic and foreign policy of contemporary Russia.