Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Цена труда как фактор национальной безопасности

Is revealed the content of the concept of social and economic safety, which enters into the general theory of national security. The dependence of the state of the indicated safety on the social policy of state in the sphere of the formation of the price of labor is shown. It proves, that the understating of the price of labor and the low wage of the series skilled workers forms social polarization and injustice, which leads to the socio-class antagonism and is created the threat of national security.

Занижение цены труда и устойчивость структурной безработицы в России

The reasons of structural unemployment stability in the conditions of labor-deficit situation when demand in the labor market exceeds supply are considered. The main reason of unemployment stability is caused by labor cost lowering is proved on the basis of statistical data and the author’s research. This state of affairs contradicts the basic laws of the labor market – the equilibrium between labor and working force costs.