Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальный контекст

Germans` historical memory on the captivity in the USSR: Experience of qualitative analysis of German Internet resources

The historical memory of a people plays a big role in their understanding of the past and present, and directly aff ects their perception of modern events. The Russian Federation, the entire Russian people, faced with an unprecedented barrage of open Russophobia in the West, with the attempts to abolish Russian culture throughout the world, are perplexed as to how this became possible at the beginning of the 21st century, in democratic countries that for many years were proud of their tolerance to other opinions and democratic governance.

Структура социальной коммуникации

The article deals with interdisciplinary status of the social communication structure. It is shown that social communication is based on social psychological and linguistic components. The social communication channels, communicative competence and communicative situations and goals are characterized. The special attention is paid to the content of the social communication information. The main characteristic features of languages competence from the point of view of social context.