Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальная группа

Influence of socio-economic diff erentiation of youth on its political identity

This article examines the features of the political identity of provincial youth based on socio-economic diff erentiation. It is noted that the youth environment is not homogeneous in its socio-economic status and such diff erentiation in the context of a Special Military Operation, an unstable political situation, and social tension presupposes a diff erent political identity. In turn, this leads to destructive activity of young people in relation to government offi cials, as well as to intergroup confl icts.

Адаптивные потенциал пожилого населения в современной России

В статье рассматривается адаптивный потенциал такой специфической группы российского общества, как пожилые люди, пенсионеры. Показывается объективная необходимость привлечения к труду этой социальной группы населения.