Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

гражданское общество

Civil Society in Modern Russia: Some Trends (Tendencies), Issues, Factors of Formation

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends of Russian civil society formation, internal and external factors that influence on these processes and some issues and restrictions of its development.

Роль Русской православной церкви в политической социализации молодежи

In article participation of Russian Orthodox Church in political socialization of modern youth in Russia is analyzed. Characteristics of forms and methods of church youth policy with which the ROC expands are distinguished and deepens the religious influence on youth, at the same time promoting process of assimilation by the person of the values and regulations leading to forming of the qualities and properties allowing to adapt in this political system and to carry out political roles and functions.

Analogous Forms of Civil Society (Exemplified by African Countries)

The author considers analogous forms of civil society in countries of the South exemplified by African states. Foundation, development, specifics, and peculiarities of civil society in this region of the world are analyzed. It is stated that burgeoning civil society models of non-Western areal have their own specific features, which are determined by special character of civilizational development of the countries.


The present article is concerned with the influence of Confucian political tradition on peculiarities of establishing and development of the civil society’s analogous form in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The author shows that Confucian norms lying at the heart of the Asian values laid down the foundation for social and interpersonal interactions and specifics of state-authority relations, defined the bases of political culture and gained the state ideology status.


The article presents an analysis of the state of knowledge of the problems of development of a new direction for Political Science – local citizenship. The characteristic of the main directions in the study practice of civilian control and institutions in local communities, with an indication of the significant methodological problems, allowing to represent the practice of civilian control in local communities as a unique phenomenon of individual regions.


In the article an assessment of political crowdsourcing as technology of civil participation for the prevention and suppression of threats to security of the state is given, the network projects promoting the solution of problems of protection of national interests are analysed, the role of crowdsourcing projects in modernization of system of national security of Russia is revealed.

Развитие антикоррупционной политики как фактор интеграции современного российского общества

This article examines legal anti-corruption policy and its integration potential to the society. Examines the civil society Institute as part of an effective anti-corruption policy and its role in the fight against corruption.Analyzes the concept of anti-corruption policy and its components, corruption and its negative social consequences.

Гражданский контроль в программных документах и публичном дискурсе политических партий

The article presents an analysis of the documents of political parties and public discourse on civil control. On the example of parties belonging to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the characteristics of the main goals and tasks of political parties coinciding with the goals and tasks of civil control institutions are given.

Общественный контроль в политической системе российского региона: проблемы и перспективы развития

The article analyzes the current state and prospects of political institutionalization of public control in the regions of the Russian Federation. The author highlights key areas and problematic aspects of the participation of public institutions in shaping the political space of the region, assesses trends in the development of the political and legal mechanism of interaction between civil society and government in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and formulates proposals aimed at increasing the effectiveness of public control subjects.

Традиционные и нормативные основы политической функциональности государства в современной России

The article considers traditional and normative bases of providing the balance between the state’s political functionality and civil society in post-soviet Russia. Exemplified by one of the most important articles of the Russian Constitution, possibility of different interpretation of the social state’s functionality and civil society potential for public problem solving in contemporary Russia is shown.
