Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

органы местного самоуправления

Политическая субъектность органов местного самоуправления в современной России: основные контуры реформирования

The article presents comprehensive assessment of the political subjectivity of local self-government bodies in modern Russia based on the analysis of such parameters as the legal status of the institution of local self-government, the division of powers between regional and municipal authorities, ways of forming municipal authorities, and the main indicators of the revenue and expenditure part of the municipal budget.

Специфика PR-деятельности российских органов местного самоуправления в условиях коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19

This article examines some features of PR activities of local governments during the self-isolation regime introduced in March 2020 in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection. Based on content analysis of messages posted on the official accounts of three administrations of Russian cities with millions of people (Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh) in the social network Instagram, the authors determine prior directions of PR activities of local governments in a crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Имиджевые характеристики субъекта политического процесса – органов МСУ российских городов-миллионников: анализ социальных медиа

This article considers formation of image of thirteen Russian million-plus cities in social media (not including federal cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg). Based on the content analysis of messages posted on the offi cial accounts of local authorities of million-plus cities on the VKontakte social network for the period from September 1 to December 1, 2021, the authors determined the main image characteristics broadcast through offi cial social media accounts.