Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Особенности проявления преступного поведения в подростковой среде: региональный аспек

This article discusses the characteristics of the manifestation of criminal behavior of youth on the territory of Saratov region. The analysis and study of the main motivations in the Commission of crimes, we study the value orientations of young people.

Контроль на выборах: политико-правовой аспект

ВIn Russian practice, election control is a part of any election campaign. According to the current electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, a fairly wide range of people have the right to exercise control, in addition, web cameras are used at polling stations for observation. The amendments to the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation are aimed at strengthening control over the voting process and counting the votes of voters in elections.

Российские модели взаимодействия органов государственной власти и молодежных объединений

Based on the analysis of the interaction of state authorities with youth associations in the 1990s–2000s, the authors conclude that engagement in such structures provides an opportunity to involve young people in social, economic, and political processes in the regions through project and regulatory activities. Expediency of activating such activities is justified, since it is in the process of such interaction that an active civil position of young people is formed.