Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Youth Social Well-being in Socio-economic Conditions of Modernization

The article presents exploring of the key concepts of youth’s social wellbeing of youth in the circumstance of modernization applying of the empirical data carried out with the help of the qualitative methodology by the expert interviews with officials and representatives of the academic institutions and public organizations.

Благосостояние современного общества: социологический ракурс измерения

The article is devoted to the problem of revaluation of the value components that are included in the concept of “welfare”, which is relevant for modern society. Today it is becoming very important for a person to assess his/her well-being in order to realize his/her role in society. It is considered that well-being is a multi-level, qualitative indicator that combines material resources, consumer goods, the population state of health, its social and natural environment. However, quantitative methods of measuring well-being have not yet been sufficiently studied.