Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальный капитал

Физкультурно-спортивная деятельность студенческой молодёжи вузов как фактор формирования социального капитала

В статье рассматривается одна из функций спортивной деятельности – способность создать неформальное общение, в ходе которого создаются неформальные связи и контакты, трансформирующиеся в определенные формы социального лифта. С помощью таких объединений создаются механизмы, способствующие развитию социальных лифтов в России, которые трансформируются со временем в социальный капитал.

Civil Society in Modern Russia: Some Trends (Tendencies), Issues, Factors of Formation

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends of Russian civil society formation, internal and external factors that influence on these processes and some issues and restrictions of its development.

Проблемы и возможности применения технологии «Семейные групповые конференции» в социальной работе с семьей в России

Modern practice of social work with family aims at families in crisis position. Social work with family is based on the correction and modification of the current situation. The current system of preventive work with families of risk groups isn’t always effective. Awareness of the need to start solving current problems of the family as soon as possible demonstrates the necessity for new approaches to the social work with family.

Социальная реабилитация в контексте жизненных траекторий инвалидов

Social rehabilitation is considered as a result of actions of all subjects of rehabilitation aimed at reсоvery and formation of social functions and relations of the disabled person. The aim of the work is to analyze the factors and individual`s resources that influenced the result of social rehabilitation. The empirical basis for this study is provided by the disabled narratives describing their biography, achievements in various spheres of life, institutions of support.

Формирование социального капитала политических партий и общественных организаций в регионе: основные направления и средства

On the basis of the comparison of modern foreign and Russian sociologists’s views, a structural and factorial operationalization of the concept of “social capital of political parties and public organizations” is developed. The material and cultural resources are available for the accumulation of social capital in the region. But regulatory measures (legislative, information and educational) are still needed to strengthen the social interaction between political parties and public organizations and the government structures representing regional society.