For citation:
Boldyrev A. N. Management of the organizational culture of a modern military team development. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 163-170. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2023-23-2-163-170, EDN: GMUQNJ
Management of the organizational culture of a modern military team development
The article presents the analysis of theoretical approaches to the essence of managing the development of organizational culture of a modern military team. Military organizational culture is revealed as a complex of cultural values, norms, beliefs of military personnel, a managerial factor of transformation of professional changes in the modern military team. The specifi cs of the subject (military administration) and the object (members of the military collective) of management are substantiated, the integrated approach of the essential characteristics of the process of managing the development of the organizational culture of the military collective is revealed. As a result of the analysis of the sociological survey data, the characteristics of this phenomenon are clarifi ed as a purposeful organizational, project, controlling activity of the military administration to ensure the reproduction of military organizational culture, the achievement of its stabilization, as well as progressive development. It is proved that the management of the development of the organizational culture of the military collective presupposes the achievement of a targeted qualitative renewal of the external symbols of the military collective, as well as the prevailing values, needs, ideals, traditions, norms of behavior of military actors. Management design of innovative norms, values, principles of interaction of military personnel is designed to allow not only to form an initiative military actor of a leadership type, but also to provide prerequisites for the transition to an innovative organizational culture of military teams. It is proved that the management of the development of the organizational culture of the military collective has several forms of manifestation: 1) as a dual complex within the framework of the general management system of a military organization; 2) as a mechanism aimed at, on the one hand, at ensuring the stabilization of organizational culture and, on the other hand, at its expanded reproduction; 3) as a subsystem of social management (federal, regional, internal-military-organizational; 4) as a management process itself. In a generalized context, the management of the development of organizational culture is a component of the overall system of integrated targeted management of a military unit as a whole, which determines, among other things, the optimization of its organizational culture. Within the framework of this management, management subsystems can be distinguished in the form of separate socio-cultural projects. Educational activity with this approach should be considered as a means to ensure the achievement of the development of the organizational culture of the military unit.
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