Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

The specifics of cultural integration of Chinese students-performing musicians in the Russian educational environment

The article is devoted to the consideration of socio-cultural factors that infl uence the process of integration and specifi cs of the formation of the professional identity of Chinese students - performing musicians in the system of Russian music education. The formation of a professional music system in China is marked by the beginning of the 20th century. This time is associated with the formation of musical performance, which becomes possible under the infl uence of European musical traditions of concert activity.

Germans` historical memory on the captivity in the USSR: Experience of qualitative analysis of German Internet resources

The historical memory of a people plays a big role in their understanding of the past and present, and directly aff ects their perception of modern events. The Russian Federation, the entire Russian people, faced with an unprecedented barrage of open Russophobia in the West, with the attempts to abolish Russian culture throughout the world, are perplexed as to how this became possible at the beginning of the 21st century, in democratic countries that for many years were proud of their tolerance to other opinions and democratic governance.

The user's self-presentation in social networks and the problem of context collapse

This article discusses the social problems of communication in social networks that provide a platform and tools for the formation of a virtual network identity. The features of the behavior of users of social networks and the tactics of their self-presentation when constructing a personal network profi le are described. It is argued that in the process of social communication, people present diff erent versions of themselves depending on their audience and adapting their own self-presentation to the perceived values and preferences of the interlocutors.

Accelerated maturation of children integrated into sports activities as a social phenomenon

The paper analyzes the problem of accelerated maturation of children-athletes with reference to the theories of socialization and constructing their own maturation. To study the stated problem the theoretical and applied works of the researchers N. V. Veselkova and E. V. Pryamikova, aimed at revealing the social nature of the maturation competence, as well as two author's sociological researches were used. The first is "Longevity in sports of highest achievements", which was carried out by the method of questionnaire survey of high-class athletes (n = 400 people).

The prevention of interethnic conflicts in a modern military team

The content of interethnic confl icts and the process of their prevention is revealed. The interethnic confl ict in the social groups of military personnel is revealed as a type of social confl ict that determines the growth of contradictions of values and interests, mutual misunderstanding of cultural priorities, hostility, inconsistency of service and labor behavior, conditions, as well as actions.

Value orientations of regional students: Sociological analysis

The article analyzes the value orientations of regional students as a social group that has its own special evaluative attitude to the totality of material and spiritual benefi ts, expressed through cognitive, emotive and behavioral aspects of life. The article pays special attention to the theoretical approaches to the consideration of value orientations given in the works of E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, T. Lukman, K. Klakhonoma, P. Sorokin, J. Toshchenko and others.

The role of sports in the system of socialization and healthy behavior of young people: Regional aspect

The article updates the need to study the role and importance of sports in the system of socialization and health-saving behavior of youth in the region (using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). The understanding of the socialization system is being updated through the prism of the totality of the diversity of determination mechanisms and conditions that can act, including the conditions for the formation of value systems for a healthy lifestyle and playing sports, which formulated the research problem presented in this article.

The image of the “alien” in the infrastructure of the Russian city (the example of Chelyabinsk region)

The article aims to identify the criteria of the "image" of a migrant and "migrant" infrastructure, to describe the problems of interethnic relations, integration of migrants from Central Asia in a Russian city (using the examples of cities in Chelyabinsk region). The author relies on 540 interviews with the local population of six cities of the region (Chelyabinsk, Kopeysk, Magnitogorsk, Miass, Zlatoust, Troitsk), as well as the results of observations, content analysis of mass media and Internet resources.

Residents’ perceptions of the urban environment and requests for its changes in resource-type regions (the example of Kemerovo)

. The article examines residents' perceptions of the urban environment in a resource-type region. The ideas are identifi ed, and key requests for changing the urban environment are analyzed. The purpose of the article is to identify the ideas of the urban environment and analyze the key requests of residents to change it. Depending on the experience of interaction with the urban environment, general and personalized requests are formed. The presented study, includes a questionnaire survey and the focus group interview with the residents of Kemerovo.

The formation of project thinking in training specialists in working with youth: Interaction with NPOs and educational institutions

 Modern socio-economic conditions necessitate the active involvement of the population and, fi rst of all, youth in the activities of civil society institutions, including the work of non-profi t organizations that can become a driving force for the integration and mobilization of society. At the same time, in most sectors of human activity in recent years, a project approach has been actively introduced, in the implementation of which NPOs have signifi cant experience.
