Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

The diffi culties in measuring socio-demographic indicators in mass telephone surveys

The questionnaires of mass telephone surveys include a socio-demographic block, consisting, as a rule, of standard questions about gender, age, income level, region of residence, type of settlement, occupation, level of education, etc. Most of these questions were developed many years ago and are used non-refl exively from a survey to a survey by the researchers who believe that these time-tested questions continue to work eff ectively.

Technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the new economic conditions: The objective need for the revival of industrial production

This article tells about the urgent problem of technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in modern political and economic conditions, a number of prohibitions in foreign economic activity, the eff ect of economic and fi nancial sanctions against the Russian Federation by the countries of the “collective West” and their allies. In such circumstances, it was decided to focus on the revival of domestic production in a number of systemically important industries from the point of view of the national economy.

The attitude of the host Russian community towards migrants of other ethnicities as a factor in migration behavior (using the example of Yekaterinburg residents)

The article substantiates the need to institutionalize the integration of migrants based on negative demographic trends in Russia. The authors analyze migration theories and propose the basis of the institutional approach as a methodological basis for the formation of integration models of migrants into the host community. The authors substantiate the importance of analyzing migration behavior as part of the integration process, not only of the migrating, but also of the host community.

Digital and neurotechnologies in sociocultural space as the subject of sociological analysis

The article analyzes the problems that have arisen in connection with the active development and application of digital and neurotechnologies in the everyday life of young people. The authors, on the basis of the theoretical analysis and the results of specifi c sociological studies, suggest that the practice of digital and neurotechnologies in general aff ects the perceptions of a person, his/her consciousness and thinking. In the course of the study, a set of general scientifi c methods was applied.

Social fears and happiness: Dualism in the formation of the delayed happiness models

The sociological approach to the study of happiness makes it possible to include sociocultural factors in the subject fi eld of felicitary research. Considering happiness as a multi-level and dynamic phenomenon allows us to raise the question of its nonlinearity and temporality. The article puts forward the hypothesis about the infl uence of social fears and the level of subjective self-esteem of happiness on the formation of models of delayed happiness.

Socio-economic determinants of the citizenship phenomenon

The article is devoted to the analysis of socio-economic factors of formation and development of citizenship. Two approaches of classics of sociology – K. Marx and E. Durkheim to socio-economic determination of phenomena of civil relations are considered. The problem of citizenship is of particular importance in modern Russian society due to its specifi c understanding.

Old age in the context of age transitions

The refl ection on age-related transitions in the direction from birth to death is presented. The main ideas of age transition in scientifi c discourse are highlighted: as a phenomenon of age-related development, which demonstrates the pace, methods and mechanisms of implementation of life programs adopted for action; as a transforming sociocultural phenomenon in a historical context; as a special semantic confi guration.

Deconstruction of a text in network communication: Hypertext as a new mechanism of social communication

The article presents the analysis of the transformation of texts as mechanisms of social communication, in particular in digital social reality. The transformation of social reality is updated in various spheres of human life – social communication, self-identifi cation, sociocultural codes and rituals. Any text (statement), being a social action, is an institutional construct and correlates with the structure of the social reality of its generation.

Application of artificially generated data in development and implementation of mathematical-statistical methods in the problem field of sociology

The article touches on the general issues, related to the use of artificially generated data in the process of development and implementation of mathematical-statistical methods in the sociological sphere. The main directions of application of simulations in sociology are briefl y described. The area of responsibility of sociologists in relation to mathematicians in the verification of mathematical-statistical methods and their integration into sociological scientifi c fi elds is outlined.

Inequality of Saratov youth: Socio-demographic content

The problem of social inequality among young people is particularly acute due to the contradictory impact on the younger generation. That is it stimulates its mobility, but is intensifi ed due to the limited resources of the region; families, provoke social tension and various deviations, including birth rate restriction. Therefore, it is important to study the demographic aspects of social inequality. The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted by the questionnaire method in Saratov in 2023.
