Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Deconstruction of a text in network communication: Hypertext as a new mechanism of social communication

The article presents the analysis of the transformation of texts as mechanisms of social communication, in particular in digital social reality. The transformation of social reality is updated in various spheres of human life – social communication, self-identifi cation, sociocultural codes and rituals. Any text (statement), being a social action, is an institutional construct and correlates with the structure of the social reality of its generation.

Application of artificially generated data in development and implementation of mathematical-statistical methods in the problem field of sociology

The article touches on the general issues, related to the use of artificially generated data in the process of development and implementation of mathematical-statistical methods in the sociological sphere. The main directions of application of simulations in sociology are briefl y described. The area of responsibility of sociologists in relation to mathematicians in the verification of mathematical-statistical methods and their integration into sociological scientifi c fi elds is outlined.

Inequality of Saratov youth: Socio-demographic content

The problem of social inequality among young people is particularly acute due to the contradictory impact on the younger generation. That is it stimulates its mobility, but is intensifi ed due to the limited resources of the region; families, provoke social tension and various deviations, including birth rate restriction. Therefore, it is important to study the demographic aspects of social inequality. The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted by the questionnaire method in Saratov in 2023.

On the role of humanitarian education in the formation of students` civic values

The article analyzes the role of humanitarian education in the formation of civic values among students. Attention is paid to the theoretical approaches of understanding civic values as a complex, multifaceted, multilevel dynamic structure. The basic civic values that make up the core of modern Russian citizenship are considered.

The critical social theory of J. Habermas on the crisis of state power legitimacy in the advanced capitalist society

The article is devoted to the problem of the crisis of the state power legitimization in advanced capitalist society studied in the critical social theory of J. Habermas. Today, against the background of ongoing tectonic shifts in the world order, the Western states of advanced capitalism are facing the problems that are becoming increasingly diffi cult for the ruling elites to solve. The categories such as the state and democracy are under the threat of loss of legitimacy.

Elite and the process of its reproduction in the works of N. I. Kareev: Actual aspects of the sociological analysis

The article deals with the peculiarities of sociological views on the nature and role of elite strata in society of one of the outstanding Russian thinkers N. I. Kareev. His work and methodological positions defended by him cause ambiguous assessments among researchers of different scientific schools and directions.

Mental and behavioral features of Russians generations (on the basis of sociological materials)

In the context of the social transformation of Russian society, various contradictions (obvious and latent) took place in diff erent spheres of society. In particular, there are noticeable diff erences in the mental and behavioral characteristics (traits, characteristics, mentality) of Russians generations causing destructive eff ects and social confl icts, including in intergenerational relationships.

Practices of conversion to Orthodoxy of the age cohort of 70+: The model of “deferred conversion”

The article presents an analysis of the practices of conversion to Orthodoxy of the age cohort of 70+ in the context of the "deferred conversion" model. The degree of elaboration of the problem in modern Russian sociological discourse is described. The author's defi nition of the treatment process is proposed.

Formal and informal practices of social services for older citizens

The formal and informal practices of social services for elderly consumers of social services in modern Russia are analyzed on the basis on the results of quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (interview) research. The article analyzes the current state of the social service system for citizens of retirement age in this country, which allowed the authors to state the impossibility of its state formalization in order to satisfy all social, living and medical needs of citizens of the third and fourth ages.

Socio-political attitudes of the younger generation of Dagestanis: Through the prism of Islamic doctrine (based on the results of the sociological survey

At the initial stage of the religious revival, the activity of confessional institutions was somewhat passive, but now it is being intensifi ed, which is expressed in the expansion of the space of influence of religious figures, the orientation of the population to simultaneously receive religious and secular education, and the introduction of a large layer of the population with religious knowledge. The article puts forward the hypothesis about the increasing role of traditional faiths and religious institutions in the social processes of modern Russian society.
