For citation:
Afanasyeva K. A. “Sovereign” future of Russian education as a political and managerial problem. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. 98-105. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2024-24-1-98-105, EDN: QXCEUO
“Sovereign” future of Russian education as a political and managerial problem
The article forecasts the risks for the implementation of a new strategy of educational reforms in our country, which arise in the wake of uncertainty with the key idea of this strategy – i.e. to make the Russian education system “sovereign”. An analysis was carried out of possible options for the reaction of managers responsible for the development and implementation of this strategy, as well as teaching staff and interested citizens to the proposal from the state to abandon the Bologna system of organizing educational space and make the new education system fundamentally different, but, at the same time, to preserve “all the best” from the previous Bologna system in the new sovereign system. The author’s opinion is substantiated that uncertainty with the theoretical foundations of the new state policy strategy will inevitably provoke the desire of individual subjects of educational policy to interpret the meaning of this strategy in their own way and attempts to impose their understanding on other subjects. In such conditions, it is likely that new reformswill turn from a tool for consolidating civil society around the sovereign interests of the Russian state into a challenge to stability in the internal politics of the state and in civil life.
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