For citation:
Yurenkov I. N. The military-industrial complex as a factor of socio-economic growth. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 4, pp. 404-409. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2024-24-4-404-409, EDN: HPHYEC
The military-industrial complex as a factor of socio-economic growth
The aims of the work are: to consider the dynamics of socio-economic development, to analyze the place of the military-industrial complex in the growth of economic and social indicators, to assess the influence of the defense industry in solving problems in the fi eld of defense capability, to identify the mechanisms of this infl uence, to evaluate the impact of military spendings on increasing industrial performance. The methods of comparative analysis, content analysis and expert opinion were used. The importance of the military-industrial complex in the growth of socio-economic indicators of the Russian state was shown. The systemic properties of the defense industry as a factor of economic progress are outlined. The need to develop the scientifi c, technical and production potential of the defense industry and increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, especially in the important import substitution, is substantiated. It was revealed that the growth of the country's socio-economic indicators in recent years is associated with the growth of industry, which was positively infl uenced by the defense industry, expanding production at the enterprises of the complex. There is an increase in external challenges, and accordingly, the need to strengthen the country’s defense capability is growing. The defense-industrial complex can be considered as a factor in socio-economic growth and insurance the country's defense capability, which makes it logical to focus on it in order to increase the pace of development of the Russian state. The direct and indirect mechanisms of the infl uence of the defense industry on the economic growth and ensuring defense capability were shown. The defense industry can play a key role in the stability and protection of the Russian social system and the further growth of economic indicators. To achieve this, changes are taking place in state policy in the fi eld of training specialists, which are the keys to ensuring security, sovereignty and competitiveness.
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