Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Sociological Scientists

Reserve servicemen as an object of sociological research

The article discusses the specifics of military personnel after the end of military service, their problems of transition to the civil society. It is noted that they retain their connection with the army, a social institution consisting of a rigidly hierarchical large armed aggregate of people, under the control of the state, ensuring the protection, defending national interests and providing assistance to other countries in confl icts.

The formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle among students: Market trends of physical education and wellness services

The article actualizes the need to study the behavioral characteristics and psycho-emotional portrait of consumers of the market of physical education and wellness services. The main attention is paid to the study of the formation of consumer preferences when choosing services, their needs and expectations from the services provided, as well as the infl uence of various factors on the decision to receive services from this market segment.

Social and economic aspects of modern pension provision for military personnel of the Russian Federation

The military pension is often only a part of the institution of special payments to military personnel. Due to the fact that pension provision for military personnel is a specifi c system and diff ers from general pension payments, it is necessary to understand it. This article analyzes the features of the modern pension system for military personnel of all law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, refl ecting, on the one hand, the global trends and, on the other hand, the specifi cs of the Russian military pension system.

The military-industrial complex as a factor of socio-economic growth

The aims of the work are: to consider the dynamics of socio-economic development, to analyze the place of the military-industrial complex in the growth of economic and social indicators, to assess the influence of the defense industry in solving problems in the fi eld of defense capability, to identify the mechanisms of this infl uence, to evaluate the impact of military spendings on increasing industrial performance. The methods of comparative analysis, content analysis and expert opinion were used.

Social consequences of the impact of foreign media the on young people`s protest activity

Today, the Russian Federation, in the new dynamically transforming realities: the confrontation of Western ideology, the cultivated "culture of cancellation", as well as conducting of a special military operation of Russia on the territory of the Ukraine (SVO), faces many tasks protecting the population from aggressive information and the infl uence from the outside. Especially vulnerable to digital "stuffi ng" are young people – a socio-demographic group characterized by an unformed worldview and value attitudes.

The experience of youth participation in distance learning courses on online platforms: The results of the empirical study

Online courses are a trend of today. Thanks to distance education, people can improve their skills, broaden their horizons or completely change their professions. In modern Russia, the institutionalization of distance education on online platforms is being implemented quite intensively, and many steps have already been taken in this area. In future, this trend will only intensify, as dynamic processes require constant training and advanced training which is certainly capable of implementing distance education.

Heuristic potential artificial intelligence in the analysis of social networks

Artifi cial intelligence is an important part of modern life. AI exists to improve lives and free up time and resources for the tasks that require thoughtful human action. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) created new data analyzing the capabilities of the modern phenomenon of social networking, accurately analyzing and understanding the dynamics of online communities and users` sentiments. AI succeeds in such area as social media. Internet users use social media to communicate, search for information, buy things and even work.

Women’s careers in sports during the COVID-19 pandemic: Socio-economic aspect

The article discusses the features of implementing women's sports career in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. Ways to maintain a career in isolation and options for its development, as well as government initiatives during this period, are analyzed. This includes a comparison of budget expenditures from the start of physical education funding to the post-pandemic period.

Обратная связь с аудиторией через призму взаимодействия интернета и телевизионных СМИ

The article considers the problems of mass media interaction with audience through the analysis of feedback mechanisms of television with teleconsumers presented in the Internet. The author analyses the relevance of television and Internet as information resources for Russian media consumers, characterizes the Internet-sources of opinion of the television audience, analyses the official pages of popular TV channels and spectator forums. 

Социальные и гуманитарные технологии в обществе знания

In article the essence social and humanitarian technology at the present stage of development of information society – formation of society of knowledge is considered. Generalizing various determinations of social and humanitarian technologies, the conclusion that in these concepts object and target aspects of technologies are staticized is drawn. Tendencies of use of social and humanitarian technologies, their classification by the general subject, common goals, results of application, the used methods and means come to light.
