Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Политическая технология брендирования региона как возможность формирования его положительного имиджа и повышения инвестиционной привлекательности

The paper discusses issues of the Russian Federation regions branding on the example of the Saratov Region. Regional executive authorities’ actions on the official symbols introduction and creation of territory brand, as well as development of investors informational support system through the Investment Portal of the Saratov Region in order to create regional positive image are analyzed. The practicability of the Saratov Region branding at the current stage of economic development is identified and justified.

Социально-коммуникативные практики взаимодействия институтов власти и населения в регионе: социальные факторы и современные тенденции

This article discusses the interaction of power institutions with citizens at the regional level. The definition of a region is given and described. The results of the study conducted in Saratov region are presented. The results obtained during the survey are analyzed and compared with the studies of other authors and statistical collections. These observations allow us to say that the current level of society’s informatization is not enough for the open model of the interaction between the power and the population.