Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

government policy

Extra-rational component of state policy in the Russian aircraft industry

The article presents a comparative analysis of the extra-rational component of the development and implementation of state policy in the aviation industry in the Soviet period and in modern Russia. The main conceptual components of the extra-rational block of state sectoral policy are noted, as well as the main tools and mechanisms used by actors in decision-making to popularize the industry among the population.

Russian and Western approaches to the study of state policy in the aircraft industry: Comparative analysis

The article presents a comparative analysis of Russian and Western (North American and European) approaches to the study of public policy in the aircraft industry. The key works of Russian and foreign authors devoted to the analysis of state policy in the aviation industry are considered, the context of research is determined, as well as their main directions, the current state of the practice of studying state policy in the aviation industry in Russia and Western countries is described.