Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Типы имиджа российских женщин- парламентариев в условиях кризиса

The types of images of Russian women parliamentarians in the context of the crisis of 2013–2017 are investigated. The author’s definition of the image of women parliamentarians is given. It is noticed that in historical conditions connected with the crisis in Ukraine, through the media channels, the images of women parliamentarians who defend the state position of the Russian Federation on issues of national interests are remembered. Two “crisis” types of image of women parliamentarians are defined: “statist” and “fighter for the orderliness”.

Политическая технология брендирования региона как возможность формирования его положительного имиджа и повышения инвестиционной привлекательности

The paper discusses issues of the Russian Federation regions branding on the example of the Saratov Region. Regional executive authorities’ actions on the official symbols introduction and creation of territory brand, as well as development of investors informational support system through the Investment Portal of the Saratov Region in order to create regional positive image are analyzed. The practicability of the Saratov Region branding at the current stage of economic development is identified and justified.

Соотношение мифологических, идеологических и образно-символических механизмов конструирования государственной идентичности

The article considers the place of figurative and symbolic cultural phenomena in the process of forming the state identity of modern Russian youth. These phenomena are considered from the point of view of the possibility of direct influence on the value consciousness by using the socio-psychological potential of “aesthetic information” (A. Mol). The correlation of the figurative and symbolic aspects of the formation of state identity with the mythological and ideological aspects of this process is shown.

Имиджевые характеристики субъекта политического процесса – органов МСУ российских городов-миллионников: анализ социальных медиа

This article considers formation of image of thirteen Russian million-plus cities in social media (not including federal cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg). Based on the content analysis of messages posted on the offi cial accounts of local authorities of million-plus cities on the VKontakte social network for the period from September 1 to December 1, 2021, the authors determined the main image characteristics broadcast through offi cial social media accounts.