Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the new economic conditions: The objective need for the revival of industrial production

This article tells about the urgent problem of technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in modern political and economic conditions, a number of prohibitions in foreign economic activity, the eff ect of economic and fi nancial sanctions against the Russian Federation by the countries of the “collective West” and their allies. In such circumstances, it was decided to focus on the revival of domestic production in a number of systemically important industries from the point of view of the national economy.

Imitation activity in the field of innovation and the military-industrial complex as a threat to the economic security of modern Russia

This article considers the current problems of development and innovation activities in the Russian Federation and the need to transfer the Russian manufacturing sector to modern high-tech rails. However, despite the fact that the country's top leadership emphasizes the course of innovative development as having no alternative, the relevant ministries, large state and non-state corporations, hinder implementation activities or imitate them still play an important role.