For citation:
Maliy V. I., Gusev V. V. Technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the new economic conditions: The objective need for the revival of industrial production. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2025, vol. 25, iss. 5, pp. 48-54. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2025-25-1-48-54, EDN: JXUUZV
Technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the new economic conditions: The objective need for the revival of industrial production
This article tells about the urgent problem of technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in modern political and economic conditions, a number of prohibitions in foreign economic activity, the eff ect of economic and fi nancial sanctions against the Russian Federation by the countries of the “collective West” and their allies. In such circumstances, it was decided to focus on the revival of domestic production in a number of systemically important industries from the point of view of the national economy. Currently, in Russia the steps are being made to revive many types of aviation equipment, ships for river transportation, tractors and combines, automobiles, and industrial equipment. Domestic enterprises are being revived, new high-tech jobs are being open. The article deal with the eff ects of economic and social factors that caused industrial production in the Russian Federation to decline in a number of industries, and outline the ways out of the current situation. The modern emphasis on industrial growth is supported by the creation of innovative technology parks in the regions of Russia and the expansion of employment at these sites. Of course, the coming years will be very diffi cult in terms of reviving the domestic production base, but the Russian Federation has all the prerequisites for such a revival, and in addition to technology, the political will of the country’s leadership is necessary for such industrial initiatives.
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