Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

political culture

“Cancel culture” as a factor in the development of youth political identity

The policy of “cancelling” the achievements of Russian culture, carried out by the “collective West”, has become the subject of public and academic debate in recent years. The main questions that participants of these discussions have focused their attention on today are: is the “cancel culture” in its current liberal version a culture, or a manipulative technology hostile to culture; is the “cancel culture” a phenomenon of modern politics, or does it have historical roots; how should Russian society and the state respond to the hostile actions of the West?

Peculiarities of Generation Z’s perception of evolution of youth policy in modern Russia

. The article presents results of the study of characteristics of the attitude of generation Z to state youth policy in modern Russia. Based on the analysis of various interpretations of generation Z, presented in domestic social science, it was concluded that it is possible to talk about its uniform characteristics only with a large degree of convention, taking into account the commonality of ubiquitous Internet communications that influence formation of the worldview and lifestyle of young people.


The present article is concerned with the influence of Confucian political tradition on peculiarities of establishing and development of the civil society’s analogous form in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The author shows that Confucian norms lying at the heart of the Asian values laid down the foundation for social and interpersonal interactions and specifics of state-authority relations, defined the bases of political culture and gained the state ideology status.

Медийные технологии влияния на политическую культуру

The article analyzes the peculiarities of media influence on political culture in the society. The possibilities of applying media theories to the study of political culture are considered.

Способы противодействия политическим манипуляциям в СМИ

The main methods to counteract manipulative techniques used by mass media for political purposes are considered in this article. Among others, the author argues the necessity to compare information from different news sources, to check credibility of the facts conveyed by journalists, and to evaluate the extent to which a story is balanced.

Политическая культура современной российской молодежи в контексте медийной грамотности и влияния СМИ

Based on public surveys results’ analysis, the main features of Russia’s youth disposition towards politics are considered in this article. The author describes the media component of the youth political culture within the context of the degree to which their media literacy is formed and suggests pessimistic and optimistic tendencies the phenomenon under consideration has.

Политический сегмент медийной грамотности студенческой молодежи: вариант измерения

In modern science, attempts to measure media literacy / media competence are made from time to time. However, those who try to do it usually employ different theoretical premises, interpret phenomenon under consideration in their own ways, and, as a result, use various criteria for evaluations. Based on the analysis of more than hundred most oft-quoted (both in foreign and Russian scholarship) definitions of media literacy, the author offers his own conception of the term and puts forward the way it can be measured.

Проблема соотношения традиции и инновации в трудах зарубежных мыслителей (на примере работ О. Конта, К. Маркса, Г. Спенсера, М. Вебера)

The article deals with the correlation of tradition and innovation in the works of foreign scientists. There are two main directions in the approach to the analysis of this ratio and an attempt is made to identify on this basis the place and role of traditional and innovative factors in the formation and development of the political culture of society

Теоретико-методологические подходы к анализу игровых технологий: социально-политический аспект

The article deals with the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of “game technology” on the basis of social and political determinism of this category. The paper analyzes the political component of game models, identifies their main types, forms and functions, and systematizes the study of game practices in the social and political spheres.
