Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Features of labor behavior of modern Russian youth

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the of modern Russian youth labor behavior specifics, namely: focus on the meaning and content of professional activity; desire for self-realization; the growing demand for social guarantees of labor provided by law; the importance of the fi nancial component; the importance of fair job evaluation; special requirements for the team, which should be based on a partnership type of relationship and be a set of friendly relations.

Modern research problems of modern sociology

The article deals with three research problems that the authors consider to be the key ones for modern sociology. This is due to the fact that the modern new world has given rise to new relationships between people and new techniques used by them – put forward new scientifi c problems for sociology. Once the classics of sociology of the 19th century showed the most important guidelines for the social sciences, which can be expressed by the idea - not only to study, but also to change, and before changing to understand.


This article analyzes the transformation of the social representations of the category «health» over the historical development of society. Using the concept of Western sociological naturalism, social Darwinism, Russian organisticheskoy school shows the relationship of the biological nature of human and social health of society. A sociological understanding of the value of health in everyday practices on the basis of structural-functional analysis, understanding sociology, phenomenological sociology, postmodernism, vitalist sociology and others.

Изучение особенностей социального развития России и гносеологические парадигмы: к вопросу о методологическом базисе современных социологических исследований

This article examines the problem of developing methodology and research tools in sociology and other humanities. On the basis of methodological paradigms classification, proposed by Zhan Toschenko, the constructive paradigm possessing a great heuristic potential for studying the social realities of contemporary Russia is presented. Therefore the shortcomings inherent in the traditional analytical model are overcome.