Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Youth Segment of the Labor Market of the Saratov Region: Adaptation to Modern Realities and Stability

The article is devoted to youth labor market. The dependence of the adaptation of qualifications, experience, as well as factors that contribute to the instability of the youth market.

Занижение цены труда и устойчивость структурной безработицы в России

The reasons of structural unemployment stability in the conditions of labor-deficit situation when demand in the labor market exceeds supply are considered. The main reason of unemployment stability is caused by labor cost lowering is proved on the basis of statistical data and the author’s research. This state of affairs contradicts the basic laws of the labor market – the equilibrium between labor and working force costs.

Занятость как фактор социального самочувствия сельчан

The employment of the rural population, providing a stable income and social guarantees, is one of the key factors determining social well-being in contemporary conditions. The article is focused on the comparison the social well-being of rural population with diverse employment. The empirical basis is the sociological survey of the rural population of Khakassia (2018). Industry workers feel the best of all. State employees (education, culture, healthcare) are experiencing some depression, although it is caused by age features.