Post-Soviet Political Projects Before the new Civilizational Challenges
Political space that is conventionally called post-Soviet, unique in its essence and nature of the occurrence. A significant amount of vertical political ties, relations and echanisms, which were United States that were part of the USSR, was replaced by a horizontal form of political interactions. One of these forms have become diverse political projects, which was initiated by the leaders of post-Soviet republics, including the Russian political elite. Part of these political projects was associated with Pro-Western perspective of evelopment, other, raised the possibility of Eurasian integration, third, oriented towards the «Eastern vector» of growth. These diverse political projects had one thing in common: the choice of the integration model, which essentially meant more significant and profound in its content civilizational choice. This choice is particularly stood before modern Russia, as the largest country in the post-Soviet space. The article analyzes the problems of development of Russian political projects civilizational level. Investigates their etermining factors, identify their possible prospects.
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