Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

The energy transition in the mirror of public opinion

The article presents an attempt to analytically understand the energy transition as one of the global trends. The authors draw attention to the value components of this process. In other words, one can talk not only about technological, economic, fi nancial, investment dimensions, but also about the role of end consumers of energy, their assessments, perceptions, behavior and attitudes towards energy consumption and its sources. In solving this goal, method of discourse analysis of strategic documents, scientifi c publications and media reports was used.

Specifics of the pre-election fi ght of young candidates in the deputies of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region in 2007–2021

. At the present stage, youth is considered to be one of the key factors in the modernization of all spheres of society. Due to psychophysical characteristics of this demographic group (health level, high activity, availability of a large amount of free time, low involvement in society, mobility, increased intellectual search), young people can act as a driving force of change and innovation in the country. The country’s elite understands necessity for attracting young people to the offi cial political space.

Political and legal mechanisms of combatting ideology of anti-natalism in the Russian Federation

One of the most urgent and at the same time strategically important areas of state development of modern Russia is demographic policy aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country. Despite the use of various measures of social and material incentives for childbearing, the problem of demographic crisis caused by the extremely low population growth still remains unresolved.

“Cancel culture” as a factor in the development of youth political identity

The policy of “cancelling” the achievements of Russian culture, carried out by the “collective West”, has become the subject of public and academic debate in recent years. The main questions that participants of these discussions have focused their attention on today are: is the “cancel culture” in its current liberal version a culture, or a manipulative technology hostile to culture; is the “cancel culture” a phenomenon of modern politics, or does it have historical roots; how should Russian society and the state respond to the hostile actions of the West?

Compatriots within the modern political agenda of Russia

Internal and external challenges in social, cultural, humanitarian, migration and other spheres turn the category of compatriots into one of the systemically important ones on Russia’s political agenda. The purpose of the study is to identify key semantic accents in the interpretation by the authorities of the problems of compatriots abroad as its actual component.

State migration policy of ECOWAS countries: Main directions and trends

The article examines basic approaches to state migration policy of the Economic Community of West African States’ members. Interest in this issue is due to the need of modern political science to find new and improve existing means, methods and technologies for regulating migration fl ows of the population. Models for managing population migration in West Africa are complex and multi-level state political and legal mechanisms, the study of the functioning of which allows us to assess the eff ectiveness of these models.

Post-soviet states of Central Asia: A comparative analysis of political systems’ transformation

The article contains a comparative analysis of processes and results of formation of political systems of four post-Soviet states of Central Asia: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Based on the distribution of powers in the triangle of institutions of supreme state power: president – parliament – government, the type of political system of all four countries – electoral autocracy – is determined.

Extra-rational component of state policy in the Russian aircraft industry

The article presents a comparative analysis of the extra-rational component of the development and implementation of state policy in the aviation industry in the Soviet period and in modern Russia. The main conceptual components of the extra-rational block of state sectoral policy are noted, as well as the main tools and mechanisms used by actors in decision-making to popularize the industry among the population.

Concept “patriotism” within socio-political discourse

The authors consider conceptual approaches to the defi nition of the concept of “patriotism”, analyze this concept within Russian sociopolitical discourse in a historical retrospective, investigate mechanisms of constructing patriotic narratives within the framework of state policy. Methodological toolkit of the study of the phenomenon of patriotism is characterized by complexity and multidimensionality, integrating a wide range of general scientifi c and special methods.

Media practices of “digital” generation: Political context

The object of this research were representatives of so-called “digital” generation of Russian youth (people born in the fi rst decade of the 21st century), and the subject was media practices common among them. Despite the fact that within Russian scholarship, quite a lot of attention is traditionally paid to the problems of media consumption by young people, various aspects of political dimension of the formats of interaction with the media widely spread among young people are rarely in the focus of attention of scholars.
