Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Образовательные стратегии студентов СГУ имени Н. Г. Чернышевского: гендерный срез

Kalugina Tatiana А., Saratov State University

The article is based on the results of the sociological study (N = 400 respondents), conducted by the questionnaire method and shows that the gender identity of the students significantly determines their educational strategy of behavior and study. There is a strong gender asymmetry between humanitarian and technical specialties. However, the strategic goals of education depend on gender. Young men are more concerned with getting a prestigious high-paying job and meeting the requirements of their parents. Among young men, it is more common to fi nd a cautious admission that they like learning only in general, or rather do not like it. The girls are more dependent on the opinions of others and more focused on obtaining a diploma and self-development. Academic performance is also higher among female students than among male ones. The girls are more likely to strive to be the best in the group, and the boys prefer their interests to study more often. The girls are more categorical in their both positive and negative assessments of their studies. The proportion of those who like to learn is the highest among the girls. The attitudes toward learning largely depend on students' personal educational strategies. Students who entered the university for the sake of self-development have the highest interest in studying. Those who study for the sake of a prestigious job in future take the second place (although not so categorically). The interest in learning is almost non-existent among those who study to meet the expectations of society and relatives. The proportion of girls enrolled in the master`s degree is higher than among boys. The young men take the master`s degree mainly for a full higher education, for the sake of future work and because of disappointment in the education system, while the girls do it for additional education and because of uncertainty about future employment.

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