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Концептуализация понятия «мегаполис»: формально-количественный, правовой, функциональный и системный подходы
Notman Olga V., Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
The article considers various methodological approaches to the definition of a megacity, reveals the relationship between the concepts of “megalopolis”, “megacity”, “megapolitan type city”. The differences between foreign and Russian traditions in the definition of a megacity are revealed. It is concluded that the specificity of the “megacity” interpretation in Russian science is determined by the objective conditions for the formation and development of large Russian cities. The functions performed by the megacity at the meso- and macro levels – in the regional and global space are analyzed. The dialectical principles of the analysis of the megacity as a socio-territorial system are defined.
Key words:
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